Meilleures pratiques pour la maîtrise de l'IA : habiliter les élèves, les enseignants et les chefs d'établissement grâce à Brisk

Sep 30, 2024 by Brittney Rampley, orthophoniste agréée et certifiée au niveau national et rédactrice SEO

Alors que l'IA continue de gagner en popularité dans le monde, il est essentiel de garantir la maîtrise de l'IA dans les écoles. Les élèves, les enseignants et les chefs d'établissement qui possèdent les compétences nécessaires pour naviguer et utiliser l'IA de manière responsable obtiendront de meilleurs résultats scolaires et seront mieux équipés pour gérer la technologie du futur. Avec Brisk Teaching, ce processus peut être simple et efficace pour tous ! Poursuivez votre lecture pour découvrir tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les meilleures pratiques en matière de maîtrise de l'IA lors de l'utilisation de Brisk.

AI Literacy Explained

AI literacy refers to the knowledge and skills needed to think critically about AI tools and use them in safe and ethical ways. 

As an AI-powered Chrome extension, Brisk allows you to easily promote AI literacy among students, teachers, and school district administrators. Brisk’s integrated security practices and safeguards enable students to engage with AI in a monitored environment while ensuring adults in the school can use these tools with confidence and responsibility. 

Digital Equity

To address AI literacy, one should consider the importance of digital equity. Every student and teacher deserves access to AI tools regardless of their background or socioeconomic status!

Brisk was designed with accessibility in mind. For starters, Brisk is free for all teachers! Most features are available with the free plan, so no teacher loses out on opportunities to save time and increase productivity. As teachers experience the advantages of Brisk, their students can benefit from these perks as well. 

Brisk also provides free professional development materials. It’s easy to use and adjust when needed— supporting equal access for all!

Using Critical Thinking & The 80/20 Rule

One of the best ways to ensure AI is used effectively is to implement critical thinking and the 80/20 rule. 

Critical thinking is irreplaceable, even when using the most innovative AI technology found with Brisk. Training teachers (and students) to analyze and judge the work generated by AI is essential because, let’s face it, even the best AI tools can make mistakes, too!

Consider critical thinking questions such as these:

  • Are there any biases within the content?
  • What credible evidence supports this information?
  • Is there anything I already know contradicting this information or that wasn’t included?

By preparing educators and students to think critically, you position them to expect to complete a portion of the work themselves— this is the 80/20 rule. Brisk can complete 80% of the work, but individuals should perform 20% by finalizing the content with their personal touch and expertise.

Best Practices for AI Literacy

AI literacy may look a little different for students, teachers, and districts, but it’s necessary across all levels of education:

AI Literacy for Students

When considering best practices for AI literacy and students, It’s important to help students set clear goals. Teach them to critically evaluate and consider their desired goal of using an AI-powered tool before diving in with one such as Brisk. Inform them of the 80/20 rule and demonstrate how to put it into action.  

Show students how AI tools integrate with traditional learning methods like peer feedback, research platforms, and memorization.

Brisk Boost

Brisk Boost is a great option to introduce to students and aid in teaching AI literacy! The student-facing tool from Brisk Teaching was created as a direct result of feedback from real teachers who have used (and loved!) Brisk. It allows students to interact creatively and safely with AI-powered learning activities. With this tool, teachers can monitor student engagement with the content in real time. This ensures total transparency and a focused learning environment as students learn how to responsibly engage with AI. 

As students learn to participate with AI safely and responsibly, learning experiences are enhanced!

*The web version of Brisk Boost is free, while the student-facing Chrome extension is a premium offering for schools and districts.

AI Literacy for Teachers

Teachers can lead by example when it comes to AI literacy. Brisk is designed to make AI integration simple, as it lives exactly where teachers are already working within Google Chrome. 

To maximize AI in the classroom with Brisk, teachers can:

  1. Embrace AI for routine tasks
  2. Utilize professional development
  3. Collaborate easily with students

Brisk can handle timely and mundane teaching tasks like generating slideshows, providing essay feedback, and creating lesson plans. By spending less time on these tasks, teachers can return to doing what matters most— building relationships with students and sharing their expert knowledge.

The professional development options provided by Brisk help teachers stay up-to-date with Brisk’s features as they confidently and responsibly incorporate AI into their classrooms. 

Collaboration with students can also become more seamless by using Brisk to give personalized feedback and provide opportunities for increased classroom community through icebreakers and AI-generated discussion prompts. 

AI Literacy for Schools and Districts

As a district leader, your role in promoting AI literacy is of utmost importance! By modeling this skill, you can help create a forward-thinking and efficient learning environment for students and teachers alike. 

Brisk helps you:

  • Empower teachers as they save time and increase productivity
  • Use data-driven insights to make informed decisions
  • Priorisez la confidentialité
  • Stimulez l'engagement des étudiants

Brisk pour les écoles et les districts est vraiment le meilleur choix pour les dirigeants qui souhaitent optimiser l'efficience et l'efficacité de leur personnel. Vous pouvez être sûr que le contenu que vos professeurs créent avec Brisk est conforme aux normes nationales et nationales, afin que vos professeurs soient toujours sur la bonne voie et que votre les étudiants participent à un apprentissage de haute qualité.

Les rapports détaillés et de haut niveau permettent de suivre l'utilisation, les progrès, etc., ce qui vous permet de prendre des décisions fondées sur les données pour vos communautés scolaires.

Confidentialité des étudiants et des enseignants est un autre élément essentiel de la maîtrise de l'IA ! Brisk travaille avec les districts pour créer des accords de confidentialité personnalisés pour répondre à toutes les réglementations locales et à tous les besoins en matière de confidentialité.

Adoptez la maîtrise de l'IA avec Brisk

Êtes-vous prêt à passer à la prochaine étape vers l'adoption de la maîtrise de l'IA dans votre district ?

Réservez une démo dès aujourd'hui pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont Brisk peut transformer les salles de classe et les écoles que vous dirigez.

La maîtrise de l'IA est vitale pour l'éducation actuelle et future, et Brisk fournit les outils dont vous avez besoin pour mettre en œuvre l'IA de manière sûre et responsable dans vos écoles. Soyez sûr de créer un environnement éducatif équitable et efficace pour les étudiants, les enseignants et votre district en mettant en œuvre ces meilleures pratiques pour la maîtrise de l'IA.

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