Welcome to Brisk Teaching!
Your future self is giving you a high five right now.😎

Getting started is easy:
Browse the tools below.
Pick one that catches your eye.
Click a
button below to start.
Then, click the
button to get started.

Create Instructional Materials In Seconds

Teel star with "FREE" written inside - Brisk Teaching images

📗 AI Lesson Plan Generator

Generate comprehensive lesson plans to guide your teaching objectives and activities.
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🔭 DOK Questions

Generate Depth of Knowledge (DOK) questions to deepen students' understanding.
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📐 AI Rubric Generator

Create clear rubrics in moments to outline assessment criteria and expectations.
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📊 AI Quiz Maker

The ultimate AI quiz maker for teachers! Effortlessly create quizzes in Google Forms and Docs, complete with embedded answer keys, to assess student understanding.
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💻 AI Presentation Maker

Craft engaging Google Slides presentations to captivate your class. Generate presentations from scratch or from articles, websites, YouTube videos, and more.
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🏆 Teacher Exemplar

Create top-quality exemplars as benchmarks for student assignments.
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📄 Teaching Resource Maker

Quickly produce a variety of educational resources to enhance classroom instruction.
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💡Something Else

Explore 'Something Else' for custom teaching materials. Use this tool as a riddle generator, a question sheet maker, a writing prompt creator... whatever you need!
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🔤 Decodable Texts

Produce decodable texts to support early readers in building phonics skills.
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📐 State Practice Tests

Ready students for standardized assessments with a STAAR practice test and SBAC practice test.
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📚 AI Syllabus Generator

Streamline syllabus creation to outline your course goals and expectations clearly.
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📈 Progress Report Maker

Quickly compile progress reports to share student achievements and areas for improvement.
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📘 UDL Lesson Plan

Design UDL (Universal Design for Learning) lesson plans to accommodate all learners' needs.
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🧩 Math Word Problems

Instantly create state-standard math word problems on any theme.
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🧪 Science Lab

Craft an engaging science lab in seconds.
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📝 Inquiry Worksheet

Generate a dynamic inquiry worksheet that captivates students.
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🌀Math Spiral Review

Quickly generate math spiral reviews aligned with state standards.
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