Brisk AI Tools for English teachers

Brisk AI Tools for
English teachers
Brisk Teaching is an AI-powered Chrome extension that helps English Language Arts teachers give feedback on student work, change the reading level of texts, create quizzes and slide presentations, and more – all in seconds.

Essential tools for English teachers

Essential tools for
English teachers

Brisk helps you complete dozens of tasks for your ELA classes with ease. Here are some tools loved by Brisk’s English educators.

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Dark teel arrow - Brisk Teaching Images

Targeted Feedback Generator

Create personalized comments in any student's Google Doc.

AI Rubric Generator

Create clear rubrics in moments to outline assessment criteria and expectations.

Presentation Maker

Craft Google Slides presentations from any idea, article, website, or video.

Text Leveler

Adjust text levels instantly to match student reading abilities.

Lesson Plan Generator

Create comprehensive lesson plans to guide your teaching.

Inspect Writing Tool

Brisk has reimagined student writing analysis. You can understand how students revised their work in two ways.

Letter of Recommendation Generator

Generate personalized letters of recommendation to highlight students' strengths and accomplishments.

English teachers, Lighten your day with Brisk

Administrators, lighten your day with Brisk

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Brisk is for English teachers of all grade levels

Brisk is for
English teachers
of all grade levels

From kindergarten to university English, Brisk’s got you covered! Here are some ideas for how to use Brisk for any grade level.

Elementary School

Engage younger students with presentations and brainstorm games for teaching lesson content. Easily change the reading level of articles to make them accessible to your students.

Middle School

Create the daily agenda, classroom newsletter, introductory slides for new lessons, and pre- and post-assessments on any topic. Give personalized feedback on student writing assignments.

High School

Craft lesson plans, discussion prompts, and writing activities to support critical thinking and literary understanding. Create rubrics and grade student essays in just a few clicks.


Prepare plans for your lectures, generate presentation slides, and create writing and discussion prompts. Write customized letters of recommendation in seconds.

How English teachers use Brisk

English teachers
use Brisk

Here are some examples of how to use Brisk AI tools for English Language Arts.

Create rubrics

Craft a cohesive rubric to assess multiple student choice projects in seconds. 

How to: Open a new Google doc and click on Brisk. Click Create, then Rubric. Include your rubric criteria, then click Brisk It!

Give feedback

Provide personalized essay feedback in your preferred style directly in students’ Google Docs.

How to: Open a student’s Google doc and click on Brisk.

Click Give Feedback, choose your feedback style, and attach your rubric if you want. Then click Brisk It!

Create lessons

Generate customized lesson plans based on any article, video, PDF, or document.

How to: Open your chosen media and click on Brisk. Click Create, then Lesson Plan.

Alternatively, you could choose Change Level to level the text. Then click Brisk It!

Inspect writing

Understand students’ writing processes with a video playback of their document creation from start to finish.

How to: Open a student’s Google doc and click on Brisk.

Click Inspect Writing to watch a replay of how the document was created. Click the magnifying glass to see how likely AI was used in the writing process.

English teachers, Lighten your day with Brisk

Administrators, lighten your day with Brisk

Add to Chrome for free
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I’ve been using Brisk this week to create a lesson plan on poetry writing, create multiple rubrics, grade 100 essays and 100 speeches [...] It’s the best tool I’ve ever used as an English teacher.

Kristie M.
Light teel and green 3D quotation marks - Brisk Teaching Images

Brisk Teaching is an incredible AI tool. It serves as a blueprint for instant student feedback - which you can edit on the spot. You can tell this is a product made by teachers for teachers. They thought of everything.

Chrissy M.
Light teel and green 3D quotation marks - Brisk Teaching Images

I cannot emphasize how powerful of a tool this is for both students and learners. It makes providing real actionable feedback to writers less time consuming and has dramatically increased students academic and technical writing skills in my classroom.

Matthew D.
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Dark teel arrow - Brisk Teaching Images

Looking for other subjects?

You can use Brisk for a wide range of subjects and grade levels. Check out these guides for more ideas and examples. 
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