Brisk AI Tools for Math teachers

Brisk AI Tools for
Math teachers
Brisk Teaching is an AI-powered Chrome extension that helps Math teachers write word problems to share with students, create engaging lesson plans, draft depth of knowledge questions, and generate resources to help students understand math concepts – all in seconds.

Essential tools for Math teachers

Essential tools for
Math teachers

Brisk helps you complete dozens of tasks for your math classes with ease. Here are some tools loved by Brisk’s math educators.

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Dark teel arrow - Brisk Teaching Images

Lesson Plan Generator

Create comprehensive lesson plans to guide your teaching.

Brisk Boost

Turn any online resource into an engaging learning experience for students.

Math Word Problems

Instantly create state-standard math word problems on any theme.

Math Spiral Review

Quickly generate math spiral reviews aligned with state standards.

AI Newsletter Generator

Create engaging newsletters to keep your school community informed and connected.

Create Anything

Explore 'Something Else' for custom teaching materials. Use this tool as a riddle generator, a question sheet maker, a writing prompt creator...

Math teachers, Lighten your day with Brisk

Administrators, lighten your day with Brisk

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Brisk is for Math teachers of all grade levels

Brisk is for
Math teachers
of all grade levels

From kindergarten to university math, Brisk’s got you covered! Here are some ideas for how to use Brisk for any grade level.

Elementary School

Engage younger students with presentations and brainstorm math games for teaching lesson content. Generate practice questions for state tests in seconds.

Middle School

Create the daily agenda, classroom newsletter, math lesson plans, introductory slides for new lessons, and pre- and post- assessments on any topic.

High School

Craft word problems, discussion prompts, and activities to support critical thinking and math understanding.


Prepare plans for your lectures, generate presentation slides, and create discussion prompts. Write customized letters of recommendation in seconds.

How Math teachers use Brisk

Math teachers
use Brisk

Here are some examples of how to use Brisk AI tools for math.

Generate word problems

Craft engaging word problems to assess standards and math topics in seconds. 

How to: Open a new Google doc and click on Brisk. Click Create, then Math Word Problems. Add any relevant details, then click Brisk It!

Create quizzes

Turn a YouTube video into a Google Form quiz with the answers already embedded.

How to: Open your YouTube video and click on Brisk. Click Create, then Quiz. Tag your state standards. Then click Brisk It!

Create lessons

Create a lesson plan aligned to state standards… in seconds!

How to: Open your chosen media and click on Brisk. Click Create, then Lesson Plan. Tag your state standards. Then click Brisk It!

Create exemplars

Create exemplars that show the steps of students across various grade levels and expectations, solving math problems.

How to: Open your chosen media and click on Brisk. Click Create, then Exemplar. Type the equation into the text box. Ex: Solve the equation -3x - 5 = 16. Then click Brisk It!

Math teachers, Lighten your day with Brisk

Administrators, lighten your day with Brisk

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Oh….my….gosh! I love Brisk! After finishing the certification, I ran to the teacher’s lounge during lunch and showed the teachers all the cool things I could do! I even pulled up a YouTube Math video I created and used Brisk to write a quiz about the video! AWESOME!!!!

Jennifer A.
Light teel and green 3D quotation marks - Brisk Teaching Images

This is wonderful! My students are working on solving systems of equations. I am always hunting the internet for images and spending way too much time on it. I just created a FABULOUS slide deck with images along with a review in a matter of ten minutes. As a math teacher, I struggle with creating things like this because it is incredibly time consuming to use equation editor. This has saved me HOURS of time!

Jennifer L.
Light teel and green 3D quotation marks - Brisk Teaching Images

5 stars! Even as a Math teacher, I've found this extension incredibly helpful. Easy to create lesson plans, resources, Google Form quizzes, exemplars, and so much more. The free features alone are more powerful than most paid tools out there.

Matthew M.
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Dark teel arrow - Brisk Teaching Images

Looking for other subjects?

You can use Brisk for a wide range of subjects and grade levels. Check out these guides for more ideas and examples. 
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