Show your students the Impact of Climate Change on Plants and Animal Cells through this Lab

Oct 17, 2024 by The Brisk Team

Through this lesson, students learn fundamental biological concepts by comparing plant and animal cells while connecting this knowledge to a real-world issue—climate change. By linking cell structures to environmental changes, students develop a deeper understanding of how climate affects living organisms. It promotes critical thinking, interdisciplinary learning, and environmental awareness. Additionally, the lesson is culturally relevant, as many students come from regions disproportionately affected by climate change, helping them connect their personal experiences to scientific inquiry.

Plant and Animal Cells Understanding is Essential

Understanding plant and animal cells is essential because cells are the basic building blocks of all living organisms. Knowledge of cell structures and functions helps students grasp how life processes, like growth, energy production, and reproduction, occur. This understanding is foundational for more advanced topics in biology, such as genetics, physiology, and ecology.

Science Lab: Plant and Animal Cells with a Focus on Climate Change


In this lab, we will learn about the differences between plant and animal cells and how climate change affects these cells and their environments.

Materials Needed

- Microscope

- Slides with plant and animal cells (onion skin and cheek cells)

- Markers

- Paper

- Climate change information handout (provided by the teacher)

- Observation table (see below)


1. Observe the Cells

   - Use the microscope to look at the slides with plant and animal cells. 

   - Take notes on what you see.

2. Identify Differences

   - Write down the differences between plant and animal cells. 

   - Think about how climate change might affect these cells.

3. Discuss Climate Change

   - Read the climate change information handout.

   - Discuss how changes in temperature, water, and air quality can impact plant and animal cells.

4. Record Your Observations

   - Use the table below to write down your observations about the cells and how climate change might affect them.

Observations Table


After completing the observations, discuss with your classmates what you learned about plant and animal cells and how climate change can affect them. Write a short paragraph about your findings.

Safety Precautions

- Always handle the microscope carefully.

- Wash your hands after handling any materials.

Have fun exploring the amazing world of cells and their connection to our changing climate!

The Impact of Climate Change on Plant and Animal Cells


Climate change is a big problem that affects our planet in many ways. It changes the temperature, water supply, and air quality. These changes can have a big impact on living things, including plants and animals. In this resource, we will learn how climate change affects plant and animal cells.

What are Cells?

Cells are the tiny building blocks of all living things. Just like a house is made of bricks, plants and animals are made of cells. There are two main types of cells:

- Plant Cells: These cells have a rigid wall and contain chlorophyll, which helps plants make their food using sunlight.

- Animal Cells: These cells do not have a cell wall and are more flexible. They have different parts that help them perform various functions.

How Climate Change Affects Cells

1. Temperature Changes:

   - Plants: If it gets too hot, plants may not be able to grow properly. High temperatures can damage plant cells, making it hard for them to make food.

   - Animals: Animals may struggle to survive if temperatures rise too much. Their cells might not function well, leading to health problems.

2. Water Supply:

   - Plants: Climate change can cause droughts, meaning plants may not get enough water. Without water, plant cells cannot perform important functions like photosynthesis.

   - Animals: Animals need water to drink and stay healthy. If water sources dry up, animal cells can become dehydrated, which is harmful.

3. Air Quality:

   - Plants: Air pollution can harm plant cells. It can make it difficult for them to take in carbon dioxide, which they need to grow.

   - Animals: Poor air quality can affect animal cells too. It can lead to respiratory problems and make it hard for animals to breathe.

Examples of Climate Change Effects

- Coral Reefs: Warmer ocean temperatures can harm coral cells, causing coral bleaching. This makes it hard for coral to survive and affects the entire ecosystem.

- Trees: Increased temperatures and drought can weaken tree cells, making them more susceptible to diseases and pests.

- Birds: Changes in temperature can affect bird migration patterns. If their food sources change, their cells may not get the nutrients they need.


Climate change has a significant impact on plant and animal cells. By understanding these effects, we can work towards protecting our environment and the living things in it. Remember, every action counts, and we can all help combat climate change!

Discussion Questions

1. What are some ways we can help reduce climate change?

2. How do you think plants and animals can adapt to changes in their environment?

3. Why is it important to protect our ecosystems?

By learning about the impact of climate change on cells, we can better understand the importance of taking care of our planet!

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