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Brisk PD Slide Deck
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Brisk Professional Deck for Educators

Grab our professional development slide deck template to customize and share with the educators in your school and district.

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Brisk Webinars:

Brisk 101: Meet the Time-Saving Tool That Teachers Love!

Saturday 21st December
9am GMT (United Kingdom)
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Real Talk About AI

Friday, January 10, 2025
11:00-12:00 EST
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Transform your Teaching Time with Brisk and Leslie Fisher

December 10, 2024
4pm PT/ 7pm ET
coming soon

The AI Educator Webinar with Brisk Teaching

Wednesday November 20, 2024 at
3.30pm Eastern / 8.30pm GMT
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A webinar about AI with 10 ways to boost student engagement. - Brisk Teaching Images

10 Ways to Boost Student Engagement

Friday, November 15
8 a.m. PT/11 a.m. ET
A webinar about AI with two women.

How to Move Forward With AI in Schools

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Vivace Morsi:
Video PD rapidi per tutti gli strumenti Brisk

Creatore di presentazioni AI:

Creatore di quiz AI:

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Certificare in qualità di Brisk AI Professional

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Ispirazione dagli educatori: Tutorial veloci

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A group of four women posing for a picture in a field.

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