Brisk's инструменты для учителей
Если вы новичок в Brisk или просто путешествуете по городу, это отличное место для начала!
избранноедля учителей
Генератор целевой обратной связи
Создавайте персонализированные комментарии в Google Doc любого учащегося.
Создатель презентаций
Создавайте презентации Google Slides на основе любой идеи, статьи, веб-сайта или видео.
Создатель викторин
Создавайте тесты в Google Forms и Docs со встроенными ключами ответов.
Создайте учебные материалы
Генератор декодируемых текстов
Создавайте декодируемые тексты, чтобы помочь начинающим читателям развить навыки фонетики.
Вопросы DOK
Примеры вопросов Generate Depth of Knowledge (DOK) для углубления понимания учащимися математики, естественных наук или любого количества тем.
Генератор заметок с инструкциями
Превратите любую статью, видео или тему в структурированные заметки за считанные секунды. Идеально подходит для того, чтобы заинтересовать учащихся и помочь им в изучении ключевых концепций.
Рабочий лист запроса
Generate dynamic inquiry worksheets for science, chemistry, and many other topics in seconds. They include questions already grouped into logical sections and a even a bonus challenge.
Lesson Plan Generator
Generate your own lesson plan templates, by entering a custom prompt then specify grade level and lesson duration.
Math Spiral Review Generator
Enter the math topics and grade level in a custom prompt and Brisk will generate a math spiral review including multiple choice and word problems for you to review and customize.
Math Word Problems
Simply enter the math subject, grade level and number of questions and Brisk will instantly create state-standard math word problems, ready for you to review and customize.
Presentation Maker
Create presentations from articles, videos, other sites, or specify the topic, number of slides, theme choice, and watch as our AI Presentation Maker generates slides in real time ready for you to customize.
Progress Report Maker
Generate a student progress by entering their achievements, strengths, areas for improvement and, other comments, then Brisk will create a progress report template in real time for you to customize.
Quiz Maker
The ultimate AI quiz maker for teachers! Effortlessly create quizzes in Google Forms and Docs, complete with embedded answer keys, to assess student understanding.
Rubric Maker
Create clear rubrics in moments to outline assessment criteria and expectations for students' assignments. Simply enter the topic, grade level and points scale and our Ai rubric generator will create the document in real time.
SAT Practice Test Generator
Create SAT-style practice tests in seconds. Just enter the subject and number of questions, and Brisk generates a customized test to help students prep with ease.
Science Lab Worksheet Maker
Enter the science topics then watch as our AI tool will create an outline in real time, including materials needed, procedures, observations, questions and even safety precautions.
Something Else
Explore 'Something Else' for custom teaching materials. Use this tool as a riddle generator, a question sheet maker, a writing prompt creator... whatever you need!
Standards Unpacker
Break down complex standards into clear, teachable learning targets. Get key concepts, essential skills, and example activities aligned with your curriculum.
State Practice Test Maker
Ready students for standardized assessments with a STAAR practice test and SBAC practice test. Enter the standards or learning objectives, grade level and number of questions and watch as Brisk generates the test in real time.
Sub Plan Generator
No time to prep for a sub? Generate a detailed, ready-to-use sub plan instantly, complete with lesson objectives, activities, and backup tasks for any subject.
Syllabus Generator
Enter the subject, grade level and course length and Brisk will generate a syllabus including a weekly breakdown and outline a final project.
Teacher Exemplar
Enter the prompt, grade level and expectation and watch as Brisk AI generates an example work in real time, ready for you to customize.
Teaching Resource Maker
Quickly produce educational resources to enhance classroom instruction. Brisk AI will do the research and provide background info, historical figures, facts, data points, and other references to help you work smarter.
UDL Lesson Plan
Design UDL (Universal Design for Learning) lesson plans to accommodate all learners' needs. Outlines produced include instruction on representation, expression, engagement, with example activities and an assessment.
Unit Plan Generator
Build an entire unit plan in moments—just enter the topic, grade level, and standards. Brisk lays out objectives, lessons, and assessments so you can focus on teaching.
Создайте интервенции учащихся
504 Plan Template Maker
Draft IEP templates effortlessly, setting clear objectives for student support.
IEP Goal Generator
Develop IEP goal plans with ease to outline specific student achievements.
MTSS Intervention Menu Creator
Create MTSS menus quickly to create strategies for student interventions.
MTSS Framework Templates
Use MTSS templates to create multi-tiered action templates and plans to help students.
Управляйте административные задачи
Email Generator
Provide a topic and audience and let our Ai email generator craft an email, ready for you to review and send to your students, parents, teachers, or faculty.
College Recommendation Letter Generator
Outline the student's achievements and watch in real time as our ai tool generates a letter of recommendation for college or university.
Newsletter Generator
Enter the topics and news items and our AI newsletter generator will create a newsletter or bulletin for you to distribute to students, parents, or staff.
Observation Notes
Generate recommendations based on classroom observations to improve student engagement and learning.
Дайте Обратная связь
Feedback Insights Tool
Gather insights from aggregate feedback to inform teaching strategies. Immediately generate follow-up resources from insights.
After leaving feedback on 5 or more assignments, Feedback Insights becomes available.
Glow & Grow Feedback Generator
Highlight your student's strengths, areas for growth, and wonderings to share with students or at parent teacher conferences.
Teacher Feedback Generator
Provide your student feedback in the prompt and our AI tool will create a set of next steps for each item for your student.
Feedback Rubric for Students
Easily create or upload rubrics to generate fast feedback aligned with your rubric for consistent grading.
Feedback appears at the top of a student's document.
Targeted Feedback Generator
Open a student's essay or other work in Google Docs and instantly create personalized and timely feedback that shows up as comments right within the document.
Осмотрите пишу
Проверьте написание
Используйте Replay, чтобы внимательно следить за воспроизведением видео за процессом письма учащихся, начиная с копирования и вставки и заканчивая всем их мысленным путешествием, для более глубокого понимания.
Изменить уровни
Инструмент выравнивания текста
Мгновенно настраивайте уровни текста в соответствии со способностями учащихся к чтению.
Инструмент «Перевод текста»
Быстро переводите тексты и создавайте многоязычные ресурсы для разных учащихся в вашем классе.
Быстрый буст Инструменты для учащихся
Brisk Boost (интернет)
Превратите любой онлайн-ресурс в увлекательный учебный процесс для учащихся.
Brisk Boost (расширение для Chrome)
Благодаря расширению Brisk Boost Chrome для учащихся, доступному исключительно партнерам из школ и округов, учащиеся могут получать подробные и целенаправленные отзывы о своей работе.