Compare features

Teacher-friendly Chrome extension
Chrome extension available in 40+ languages
Auto-generate materials in 40+ languages
Advanced language models
Create tools for teachers
Academic standards integrated into all Brisk tools
Advanced student insights
District administrator dashboard
Custom data privacy agreements
Customer support
Personalized professional development (virtual or in-person)
Lesson Plans
DOK Questions
Rubric Generator
Quiz Maker
Presentation Maker
Teacher Exemplars
Resource Maker
Something Else Maker
Decodable Texts
State Practice Tests
Syllabus Generator
Progress Report Maker
UDL Lesson Plans
Math Word Problems
Science Lab
Inquiry Worksheet
Math Spiral Review
MTSS Menu Creator
MTSS Templates
IEP 504 Templates
IEP Goals Generator
Email Writer
Newsletter Generator
Letters of Recommendation Generator
Observation Notes
Targeted Feedback Generator
Glow & Grow Feedback
Next Steps Feedback
Rubric Criteria Feedback
Feedback Insights Tool
Inspect Writing Replay
AI Detection
Adjust any online resource to any reading level.
Translate any online resource into 40+ languages.
Brisk Boost (Web)
Brisk Boost Chrome Extension (student-facing, targeted feedback tool)

Brisk Free

Core Brisk Teaching Features
Standard LLM
20+ tools (see below)
Brisk’s Create Tools
without images
Intervention Tools
(in Create Menu)
Administrative Tools
(in Create Menu)
Feedback Tools
Inspect Writing Tools
Text Level Adjustment Tools
Brisk Boost for Students

Brisk Educator Pro

Core Brisk Teaching Features
Turbo LLM
20+ tools (see below)
Brisk’s Create Tools
with images
Intervention Tools
(in Create Menu)
Administrative Tools
(in Create Menu)
Feedback Tools
Inspect Writing Tools
Text Level Adjustment Tools
Brisk Boost for Students

Brisk for Schools & Districts

Core Brisk Teaching Features
Turbo LLM
35+ tools (see below)
Dedicated customer success representative
Brisk’s Create Tools
with images
Intervention Tools
(in Create Menu)
Administrative Tools
(in Create Menu)
Feedback Tools
Inspect Writing Tools
Text Level Adjustment Tools
Brisk Boost for Students

Learn more about Brisk for Schools and Districts

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